Museum of Ice Cream, SF
Ya'll must know by now how much I love interactive art, so of course as soon as I heard that the Museum of Ice Cream was coming to SF, I knew I had to go there (duh!). MOIC LA didn't disappoint, and I had a feeling SF would be even better. And ... I was right! Here's a little peek into the experience.
Museum of Ice Cream, LA
The second I heard about the Museum of Ice Cream opening in L.A., I knew I had to roadtrip down there to visit! This was before MOIC announced that it was coming to San Francisco, but honestly, no regrets! I'll happily go to both.
Color Factory: An interactive art exhibit in SF
One of my favorite things in the world are interactive art exhibits, so when Color Factory opened up in SF, of course I had to go. As a former Burning-Man-attendee and a lifelong believer in fun and imagination, I find it to be the most amazing experience to step into someone else's creative landscape (how do people come up with this stuff?!).
The Artist (sneak peek)
The Ghostship fire in Oakland hit really deep. These are my people - artists who live, breathe, and make art in a space that allows them to be themselves, to be truly free. Our culture doesn't really support artists. Most spaces don't allow artists to thrive, so the few that do are so important for our community. San Francisco has always been a city of artists, vagrants, and crazy optimists who dare to dream, and while it's been changing over the past few decades, I still hold on to the pockets where these communities continue forward. ...